Thomas Grahndin Jensen


Born out of disillusionment with performing arts, much of my practice is centred around challenging the conventions of contemporary circus and sparking dialogue. Through a fusion of skill, dramaturgy, and sheer bodily exertion, I seek to transcend the boundaries of what circus can be, inviting spectators to reflect, to marvel, and to dream.

My artistic work unfolds at the intersection of juggling and dance with a touch of acrobatics, where each performance is an exploration of the conceptual and the corporeal. With a sandbag as my partner, I craft immersive experiences that blur the lines between manipulator and manipulated, thus questioning the relationship of agency between performer and apparatus.

In my practice, the sand becomes more than just a prop - it's a symbol of weight, of time, of agency. Each movement is infused with intention and metaphors, as I weave a tapestry of different performance genres. Virtuosity, while still present, takes the backseat as imagination and semiotics take center stage.

I remain dedicated to pushing the boundaries of my craft, exploring new dimensions of expression, and uncovering the endless possibilities hidden within the sands of creativity.

Outside eye: Satoshi Kudo
Composer: Stefan Goetsch

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