Mirco Morreale

Kinesisk påle

Little Mirco really wanted to do a front roll and his brother was trying so hard to show and explain to him how to do it. But no, Mirco didn’t want to pass the head upside down. He liked to do magic, especially with cards. 

A little less little Mirco stumbled upon LeZartiCirque circus school where he felt warmly welcomed and they let him do some card magic on the pole in a show. Probably no one could grasp the magic, but he didn’t care ‘cause he was, not only the head, but completely, upside down on a five-meter pole! 

Spontaneous movement is liberating to experience. Freedom to do whatever. It can be tiring, dynamic, physical. This seemed serious to less little but still little Mirco, almost holy. The journey of seeking total freedom was a nice experience but now he didn’t want this much seriousness. He kept it but gave it another context, a trippy and stupid one, one that would allow Mirco to make fun of himself. 


Outside eye: Simon Wiborn

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