Marie Asplund


I work together with The Fabric - a body I trust to hold me and carry the weight of all of me.

I like to be held, in positions where I am comfortable but shouldn’t be. We are similar, me and the fabric. We are both red, the fabric all over, me on the inside. We are both flexible, strong, and powerful. But also sensitive and fragile, too much load or anything too sharp will break our bodies.

22 years ago, I was just a fetus, floating in liquid inside of a womb. Now I am all grown up, carrying no memories of that time. I like to imagine what it was like, inside of the protected little chamber where all my needs were met.

After the womb, I grew up in a small town called Kungälv not far from Gothenburg. I was a figure skater and I loved horses. I still love horses, but skating does not work for my body or my head anymore. I came to Stockholm six years ago, to do circus. Since then, I have been doing circus, therapy and circus.


Outside eye: Karoline Aamås
Composer: Tara Jerome-Bernabé and Benjamin Vågerö-Black 

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