Johanna Gorzellik


Sculpting her body from the inside based on her sensation. That’s the feeling Johanna has while balancing on her hands. Almost invisible from the outside, keeping her body in this fragile and vulnerable position is a constant process that requires sustained attention.

By letting this sensation affect her upside down body, she’s creating fluid shape in which micro movements become visible and important.

Her work is based around concepts of stillness, slowness, dissociation of body parts and the connection between her body and the apparatus she’s working with.

Outside eye: Lilian Steiner
Composer: Rutger Zuydervelt


Johanna Gorzellik is a German circus artist specialized in handstand and aerial straps. She started doing circus in her childhood in a youth circus in Germany. In 2018 she spent eight months training, teaching and performing at ZipZap Circus School in Cape Town, South Africa.

At the moment she’s studying at Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH), from which she will graduate in 2024.

Johanna has performed with Cirkus Cirkör in Stockhom and ZipZap Circus School in Cape Town.

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