David Martin


Because all things come to an end.

This is not a melancholic farewell to the circus school, neither a dry conclusion of these three years. This is a joyful end.

As an end requires a story, and as a tale includes sections, my act is written in chapters. But as a dream, a distant memory or a surrealist collage, it comes in fragments.

You will see a space shuttle taking off, the founder of the modern circus founding the modern circus and the best jugglers of the animal kingdom performing. 

You will see me play the accordion tune my mother played when I learned my first tricks. (at this age when we dream of becoming astronauts)

You will see me juggle around with my clubs, caressing the joy of throwing things high. (at this height where we are not sure to catch them anymore)

It’s an elegy to childhood dreams, a tribute to circus, an ode to joy and an end. Let's embrace this absurd world before it ends.

Outside eye: Jay Gilligan
Composer: Sylvain Butté

Metaphoric Objects

This ending presentation of the Closing Acts is a stage manifestation of my ongoing artistic research project called Metaphoric Objects. I like to juggle, dance, play music, write, draw, build stuff and create ceremonies: gathering an ephemeral community to create a common memory and give odes to life.

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