Who is stalking who?
When? Tuesday 25 April at 13:00-14:00 and at 19:00-21:00
Where? SKH Valhallavägen 193 Tvåan
Language: Swedish
ILUF/Never forget that we met@internet
Hanna Normann and her artistic team will present a concept of stalking, examining who is stalking who, using multiple media, playing with different identities and replacing positions.
Stalking as a phenomenon, I ask myself as an actor; audience as a stalker, or actress as a stalker? Who is stalking who? Who is dependent on whom? What do "The gaze of the audience" and "The gaze of the actress" looks like when I start working with their conventions? As an actor, how do I get the feeling of being equal with the audience, can we be equal?
What does the audience expect from the actor, if I challenge the audience and the traditional theater space and the traditional meeting of a now that occurs on stage between the actor and the watcher?
How do I create a now with different media? How long does one now last? How do I catch one now?
Vi lever i en digital tillvaro där vi visar upp olika persona på nätet och jagar likes. Att stalka sig själv, att bli stalkad av sin stalker och sakna sin stalker för att sedan stalka stalkern på internet.
På våren 2022 skapar jag tillsammans med filmregissören Björn Wahlström kortfilmen ”ILUF/Never forget that we met @internet.” tillsammans med skådespelaren och musikern Gustaf Hedén på temat “stalking” utifrån en text som jag har skrivit.
På hösten 2022 tar jag kontakt med konstnären Cecilie Kappel (Malmö Konsthögskola) om ett samarbete kring konceptet stalking. Jag anställer Cecilie våren 2023 och ger henne i uppdrag att stalka mig och successivt ta över och spela mig, vilket resulterar i videodokumentationen: ”it is not about becoming you, it is about replacing you”, en dokumentation som visar hur Cecilies successivt övertar min identitet; genom att bland annat kapa mina sociala medier, dyka upp på mina zoom-möten och slutligen välkomna publiken och presentera kortfilmen som ska visas på min exposition. Medan jag tittar på.
It's part of pop-art, I guess, that everybody can impersonate somebody else ... that you don't always be you. If tomorrow I find somebody who is pretty much like me and I put her here to sing, she can be Nico while I go to do something else.