Nyheter och evenemang
Evenemang VT 2023
Expositioner Skådespelarkonst
The ADAH SoMe ACTOR and/or THIS IS a piece of ART!

The ADAH SoMe ACTOR and/or THIS IS a piece of ART!

Master's Exposition in Acting 2023 by Alexander Lindman A performance lecture.

When? Tuesday 2 May at 13:00-14:00 and at 19:00-21:00

Where? SKH Valhallavägen 193 Tvåan

Bring headphones for your phone!

Language: English

Reserve your seats here

The ADHD SoMe ACTOR and/or THIS IS a piece of ART!

A performance lecture by Alexander Lindman

Vad är en ADHD-Social-Media-Skådespelare?

Kom och avneurotypikalisera skådespelarens tekniker och arbetsplatser (och, varför inte konsten och framträdanden när vi ändå håller på?) tillsammans med mig i mina spaces.

Fun is the way!

In my research, I’m trying to define the ADHD-actor and deneurotypicalize the actor technique, the rehearsal rooms, the different work places and the different meetings with the audience. Through me as an ADHD-actor and the impact and response I’ve gotten and get from the neurotypical and neurodivergent communities from my history and experience and also from experiments, co-labs, films and surveys. This is the start of my journey - come and let’s continue the investigation together and also watch me work on the floor in this performance lecture-ish master ADHD-SoMe-ARTistical research experiment.

Parts of the performance lecture will be on your own mobile, if you’d like to, so please bring one or share one with your friend. Free WiFi connection exists at the location. (If you don’t have a phone there will be other possibilities to take part in and after the performance) 
ADHD persons have neurodivergent brains, that they share with several other communities on different spectrums in similar or different ways. Which means thinking and acting differently by default from the larger population (those who are within a neurotypical way of thinking and operating).

ADHDers are said to have an interest-based nervous system that usually needs external stimulation to be motivated to do something. Such as things that spark joy, challenge, and interest, align with their passions or is new, shiny or has a very strict deadline… 

Importance, on the other hand, that neurotypical brains operate more by, is usually very hard to pull off as tasks, doings or behaviour if they aren’t externally motivated by the interest-based nervous system…    Which leads to (as a hypothesise) many persons that follow their dreams into the arts (because doing something else might be important but nearly impossible to even think about doing because of the neurotypical frameworks of those other things) being able to act more freely and more after their brains contents because the environments of the arts are usually more inviting and kind to differences.

But, the question still lingers: by which systems, with what social frameworks, techniques, and environments are they forced to operate consciously and subconsciously within the arts. How much of a neurotypical must we play to fit in to be able to follow our passions as ARTist? And if so, how can we deneurotypicalize those spaces, techniques, things, etc… to find the lowest common demeanor for a more inclusive space to operate in?

I will try to make the space and performance as neurodivergent-friendly as I can:

  • you can come late
  • you can leave whenever you want
  • you can switch places and move in the audience or the audience places
  • you are allowed and are also encouraged to be on your phone/iPad and have headphones (with your own things playing in them if you like or need) during the performance.
  • if you need to know exactly what will happen in advance, or anything else, reach out and I will do what I can to help you.
  • as it’s planned now there will be a free-to-roam part in the beginning and after that a more regular performance by me and then a break and after that questions and answers. Come and stay as you please!

There will also be a couple of answers and hopefully, you will walk away with more questions than when you first arrived <3
Fun is the way!

Research Catalogue

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